

AI vs. Humans: Who Wields the Power of the Written Word?

When will AI completely replace human writers? When we stop valuing the true power of words, maybe.

Published: Jun 25, 2023  |  

PR Consultant at Carnsight


“Meghan Markle’s Speech Decoded” 

“Viewers Spot Holly Willoughby’s ‘Hidden Message’ to Philip Schofield” 

These are headlines we see all over. Our words and the nuances surrounding them are often being analyzed and dissected, particularly when it comes to those existing in the spotlight. What was said, what wasn’t said, how it was said—it all matters when it comes to media and communications. Words have power that goes beyond their intrinsic meaning. 

It’s never been more important to choose our words carefully, to be considered in our communications. And yet, more and more we’re relying on technology to choose our words for us. The use of AI to create content and write copy has exploded—according to Forbes Magazine, AI is expected to see an annual growth rate of 37.3% from 2023 to 2030.  

AI is truly amazing. It has made remarkable strides in various fields, including language generation. However, despite its advancements, it still falls short when it comes to replicating the emotional intelligence and nuanced expression that humans possess in their writing.  

Emotional intelligence 

This is a fundamental aspect of human communication, encompassing the ability to understand, express, and empathize with emotions. While AI can generate text that simulates emotions, it lacks genuine comprehension of their underlying complexities. Human writers draw upon personal experiences, cultural context, and empathy to infuse their words with emotional depth, making them resonate with readers on a different level. AI, on the other hand, operates on algorithms and statistical patterns, unable to genuinely comprehend emotions or adapt to the subtle nuances of human feelings. 


An incredibly important word in our modern world and is often under-considered. Language is incredibly nuanced. It’s context-dependent and a tool that humans have spent centuries of evolution developing and refining.   

Understanding nuance enables us to convey complex ideas, humor, sarcasm, and irony, often relying on contextual cues. Humans possess an innate understanding of the subtleties of language, allowing them to use words in creative ways and engage readers on multiple levels. AI, while fantastic at generating coherent text, lacks the contextual awareness and interpretive skills that humans possess. As a result, it struggles to grasp the nuance of language, leading to the production of superficial and sometimes contextually flawed content. 


The power of the written word lies not only in its ability to convey information but also in its authenticity and ability to reflect the human experience. Human writers infuse their work with personal perspectives, emotions, and unique viewpoints, making their writing relatable and resonant. AI, despite its sophisticated algorithms, can’t infuse writing with genuine experience and emotion, limiting its ability to create truly authentic content.  

The intangible 

Creativity, imagination, inspiration.  

These things are intangible but crucial. They don’t follow logical patterns and can’t be reduced to algorithms. Human writers possess the ability to think outside the box, to challenge conventions, and to evoke deep emotions through their words. These intangible qualities grant the written word a captivating aura that AI-generated content, restricted by pre-defined parameters, fails to recreate. 

While AI has made significant advancements in language generation, its inability to replicate the emotional intelligence, nuanced expression, authenticity, and intangible aspects of human writing is clear. The power of the written word goes beyond the current capabilities of AI, as it encompasses the essence of human experience, creativity, and the ability to connect with readers on a profound level. 

As we continue to embrace technological progress, we must acknowledge and appreciate the incomparable strength that resides within the human capacity to write. Especially in an age where we obsess over each little word and there are hundreds of articles online analysing one specific word chosen in a Meghan Markle speech

AI is an amazing tool, an aid to improve efficiency and productivity, but it will never be able to truly wield the full power of the written word.

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