

Justin Breen

Founder & CEO, BrEpic Communications

Oct 9, 2020

New Thinking Leaders podcast

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Image of Justin Breen

Justin Breen is founder and CEO of public relations firm BrEpic Communications. Launched in 2017, they work with businesses and brands to craft click-worthy stories for local, regional and national media outlets.

Prior to this, he was a journalist writing for publications such as The Times of Northwest Indiana. This year Justin published his first book ‘Epic Business,’ where he shares secrets from the world’s top entrepreneurs and how he applied this to his own company.

In this in-depth conversation, Justin describes how he built his public relations firm from the ground up, using the “three Cs” – content, communication and connection; shares the importance of networking and how he is a “magnet for the right people and purposely repels the wrong people;” explains how his atypical family-centered and non-revenue focussed work ethic, led him to success.

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